One of the cool new things in Logic Pro X 10.1 I really love is the new Compressor plug-in. I think AskAudio Magazine covered it quite well. Their article not only described the new features, but what compressors are being modeled. I think that it is great how Compressor now shows you what it’s doing in real time, either…Continue reading My Favorite New Features in Logic Pro X – Part 3, Compressor
Category: Mixing
My Favorite New Features in Logic Pro X – Part 2, Alternatives
I’ll admit it, I’m obsessive and can get a bit precious. In this case, this meant that if I wanted to try something new in a project, I had to save the old/current version, duplicate it, and start working on the new version/idea. Since I like to keep projects as a package with all the…Continue reading My Favorite New Features in Logic Pro X – Part 2, Alternatives
My Favorite New Features in Logic Pro X – Part 1, The Effect Slot
Having recently upgraded to Logic Pro X, there are a lot of changes in the new version(s – 10.0 and 10.1 both added numerous changes) for me to explore. But a few have got me really excited and improved my workflow quite a bit. I’ll highlight these in a few posts. This one actually changed…Continue reading My Favorite New Features in Logic Pro X – Part 1, The Effect Slot
Creating an Equalizer Preset in Logic Pro 9
[As I mentioned on the About page, this all started when I took the Introduction to Music Production course from Coursera/Berklee. This was my fifth assignment. The Introduction and Reflection sections were required, there was a 1000 word limit, and I put in the “Before We Begin” section for those less familiar with Logic Pro. I hope you find…Continue reading Creating an Equalizer Preset in Logic Pro 9
The Logic Pro 9 Compressor
[As I mentioned on the About page, this all started when I took the Introduction to Music Production course from Coursera/Berklee. This was my fourth assignment. The Introduction and Reflection sections were required, there was a 1000 word limit, and I put in the “Before We Begin” section for those less familiar with Logic Pro. I hope you find…Continue reading The Logic Pro 9 Compressor